In the whimsical world of Derplandia, there lived a delightfully peculiar alien with is dearest companion, Squish, a small, ever-changing squid-like creature. Together, they explored the quirky wonders of Derplandia, teaching its inhabitants that remarkable friendships often emerge from the quirkiest of connections, and cherishing the giggles and derpy moments that bound them forever.
SQUISH Pin ~ iLL Art x RhadWood x EmiMonster Collab
DR0P INF0: Friday, November 3rd (11.03.23)
5PM Et | 4PM Ct | 3PM Mt | 2PM Pt
Drøp Type: Blind Bagged(BB) // Very limited Full Sets will be available. **Now Variant Select!!** Sets will include an exclusive Full Set Variant. Gift Variants will be added to lucky orders. Limit: 2 per person for the first 30 mins Singles $40 / Full Set $240* Shipping included for U.S. orders* PIN INFO: Screen Print, U.V., Glitter, and Glow Effects. Thin epoxy protective coating with screen print details on top Back design with logos and numbers 2.75 in. tall / 4 back post / Extra Thicc
OG/Wood Grain: Limited Edition of 40
Lemon Head: Limited Edition of 33
Tidal Wave: Limited Edition of 28
Neon: Limited Edition of 25
Rainbow: Limited Edition of 22
Pastel:(Full Set Variant): Limited Edition of 11
Galaxy:(Gift Variant): Limited Edition of 8